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    MRT V2 Changelog

    Version 2.11.3 - 2024-02-14

    • Upgraded to TanStack Table v8.12.0 for new column pinning/sizing/pinning instance APIs and better column resizing performance

    • Fixed "Clear selection" button to always clear selection for all pages

    Version 2.11.2 - 2024-02-08

    • Fixed bugs with batch row selection and row pinning together

    • Fixed duplicate pinned rows when global filter is present for non-sticky row pinning modes

    • Fixed selected row count in toolbar alert banner with sub row selection

    Version 2.11.1 - 2024-02-05

    • Fixed bug where new batch row selection feature did not account for manualPagination

    • Fixed bug where parent selected checkbox should not be indeterminate when the row itself is selected

    Version 2.11.0 - 2024-02-05

    • Added new enableBatchRowSelection table option that is enabled by default that allows users to select multiple rows at once by holding down the shift key and clicking on a row

    • Added small "Clear selection" button to the toolbar alert banner selected message by default when rows are selected

    • Now exporting all MRT_*Props component prop types

    • Added new override option for passing in custom spinner while loading data with the muiCircularProgressProps.Component prop

    • Fixed Autocomplete filter showing filter values instead of display labels once value is selected

    • Removed default Header html title attribute on all header cells

    Version 2.10.0 - 2024-01-31

    • Added automatic column order state recalculation for dynamic columns and dynamic MRT display columns being enabled/disabled

      • Fixed bugs where enabling a feature like row selection conditionally would add columns to the end of the table when columnOrder state was not manually managed

      • Fixed bugs where the show/hide columns menu would be empty when loading in dynamic column definitions without providing the columnOrder state manually

    • Added new Cell Actions features which will show a MUI context menu when a cell is right-clicked

      • New enableCellActions table option

      • New renderCellActionMenuItems table and column options

      • New MRT_ActionMenuItem component to make styling all MRT menu items consistently (icons, text, spacing) easier to be consistent

    • Fixed bug where the show all columns action menu item ignored the enableHiding column option

    Version 2.9.2 - 2024-01-25

    • Added disableScrollLock: true to all MUI Menus and Select Menus to keep menus with their anchor origin while scrolling by default

    • Switched pagination rows per page select to use native select by default in mobile viewports

    • Fixed pagination rows per page input label for accessibility attribute

    • Removed unnecessary ::after pseudo elements on table cells if they were unused

    • Fixed edge cases with footer cell alignment

    • Added position: 'relative' to table and all rows and cells

      • Fixed semantic sticky header regression

      • Fixed row order/dragging with column virtualization enabled bug

    Version 2.9.1 - 2024-01-25

    • Fixed row selection highlighting logic on grouped/aggregated rows

    Version 2.9.0 - 2024-01-24

    • Added new renderCaption table option to allow for a <caption> element to be rendered within the table

    • Fixed row hover opacity style issues for pinned columns and selected rows with ::before and ::after pseudo elements in pinned cells

    • Standardized data-index, data-pinned, and data-selected attributes on body rows, head cells, body cells, and footer cells where applicable

    • Column virtualization performance optimizations

    Version 2.8.0 - 2024-01-19

    • Removed internal display column def memoization that caused edge cases with enabling and disabling features conditionally. (like enableRowActions and enableEditing, etc.)

    • Improved Column Resizing and Column/Row DnD Performance by caching column definitions while user is dragging

    • Added new grow column option to allow for columns to grow to fill the remaining space in the table when layoutMode: 'grid-no-grow' is enabled, or to force a column to not grow when layoutMode: 'grid' is enabled and grow: false is set

      • mrt-row-select, mrt-row-drag, mrt-row-pin, and mrt-row-number columns are now set to grow: false by default now

      • mrt-row-expand column is also set to grow: false if only detail panels are enabled

      • mrt-row-expand is now set to a size: 100 by default (slightly wider)

    • Fixed indentation of mrt expand column when layoutMode was grid or grid-no-grow (using margin instead of padding now)

    • Modified editSelectOptions to allow for dynamic values on a per-cell basis. ({ row, cell, etc. }) => []

    • Fixed edit textbox controlled component warning

    Version 2.7.0 - 2024-01-18

    • New 'positionCreatingRow' table option to customize where the creating row is rendered in the table body

    • All MRT MUI menus now use the baseBackgroundColor mrt theme color for the menu background color

    • Fixed bug where the page index was not being reset to last page with rows when number of rows in the table changed

    • Made some tooltips text non-interactive to prevent accidental clicks

    • Simplified internal column preparation APIs

    Version 2.6.1 - 2024-01-11

    • Upgraded to TanStack Table v8.11.6 for SSR bugfix (document not defined)

    Version 2.6.0 - 2024-01-11

    • Added support for Detail Panels and Row Virtualization at the same time

    • Added support for Conditional Detail Panels (expand button is disabled when renderDetailPanel returns falsy value). Empty detail panels <tr> still render for virtualization and striped rows to work properly.

    • Fixed Row Selection indeterminate and checked state when sub-row selection is off

    • Fixed Expand Row Button padding and rotation in RTL mode

    • Fixed Pagination Icon Buttons in RTL mode

    • Set a default "right" cell alignment when theme.direction is "rtl"

    • Improved Header Group Column Sizing

    • Removed some internal "@mui/material" imports. (Could speed up dev server hot reloads in some cases)

    Version 2.5.2 - 2024-01-10

    • Fixed bug where Date and Time Picker filters were not opening properly on mobile devices

    Version 2.5.1 - 2024-01-09

    • Fixed selected row count in toolbar alert banner when using manualPagination

    • Fixed row dragging with column virtualization enabled

    • Fixed filter mode switching away from empty/notEmpty having an empty space value

    • Fixed any setDragImage errors with internal try/catch when refs are null

    • Fixed filter range slider not having a min width in popover columnFilterDisplayMode

    Version 2.5.0 - 2024-01-08

    • Implemented better default UI for groupedColumnMode: 'remove'. Expand column shows grouped row values

    • Fixed grouped parent row selection toggling bugs

    • Tweaked media queries for search textbox on top of top toolbar alert banner

    Version 2.4.1 - 2024-01-05

    • Fixed MUI Pagination disabled tooltip warning

    • Fixed Column Pinning Spacing with Column Virtualization

    • Fixed Column Action Clear Filter Item when filterFn was "empty" or "notEmpty"

    Version 2.4.0 - 2024-01-04

    • Upgraded to TanStack Table v8.11.3 for bug fixes with expanding and row selection

    • Added 'datetime', 'datetime-range', 'time', and 'time-range' filter variants

    • Added Tooltips to pagination buttons

    • Added new MRT_ColumnVirtualizer and MRT_RowVirtualizer types

    • Added behavior to not render Save Row button unless either onCreatingRowSave or onEditingRowSave is provided

    • Allowed muiColumnActionsButtonProps.children to be overridden with a custom icon

    • Fixed issue with Sticky Row Pinning and Row Virtualization

    Version 2.3.1 - 2024-01-02

    • disable row selection for creating row

    • fixed virtualized column index warning

    Version 2.3.0 - 2024-01-02

    • Added new visibleInShowHideMenu column option to allow for columns to be hidden from the show/hide columns menu, regardless of column visibility state

    • Fixed bug where the Show All button in the show/hide columns menu did not properly skip columns with enableHiding: false set

    • Fixed bug where creatingRow did not work with virtualization enabled

    Version 2.2.0 - 2024-01-01

    • Added new useMRT_Rows, useMRT_ColumnVirtualizer, and useMRT_RowVirtualizer hooks to allow for more advanced use cases for headless mode

    • Fixed possible duplicate table body row keys warning

    Version 2.1.0 - 2023-12-22

    • Upgraded to TanStack Table v8.11.2 for new columnResizeDirection table option

    • Added proper column resizing support for right-to-left languages

    • Updated French locale

    • Fixed warning on edit textfield with outlined variant

    Version 2.0.6 - 2023-12-15

    • Fixed horizontal scrollbar showing up in layoutMode grid with column resizing enabled

    • add disabled prop to muiTablePaginationProps

    Version 2.0.5 - 2023-12-05

    • Upgraded to TanStack Virtual v3.0.1 stable release

    • Added MuiTablePagination-root class to mrt pagination root element for easier styling

    • Fixed potential duplicate key warning while rendering skeleton rows when getRowId table option is provided and doesn't properly return undefined

    • Fixed muiSearchTextFieldProps.InputProps now able to partially overridden

    Version 2.0.4 - 2023-11-09

    • Add support for 'all' rows pagination option

    • Added muiPaginationProps.SelectProps support back to allow for native select

    Version 2.0.3 - 2023-11-06

    • Locale updates

    Version 2.0.2 - 2023-11-01

    • Fixed bug with popover filters null ref focus

    Version 2.0.1 - 2023-10-31

    • Fixed bug where edit row action menu was created for all editDisplayModes

    • Fixed rest spread on table head row

    • Changed pagination text to a span instead of with hardcoded 0 margin and padding

    Version 2.0.0 - 2023-10-27

    • Made MaterialReactTable a named export instead of a default export.

    • Made @mui/x-date-pickers a required peer dependency.

    • Added new useMaterialReactTable hook to replace the need for the tableInstanceRef prop.

    • Now exporting all MRT_* sub-components and utility functions from material-react-table package to allow for easier building of custom UIs in headless mode.

    • Added createMRTColumnHelper utility function to help with creating columns with slightly more type-safety.

    • Added new mrtTheme table option to allow for changing some basic mui theme colors that are hard to target with CSS or the mui theme provider.

    • Added new layoutMode: 'grid-no-grow' option for better column resizing behavior.

    • Improved column resizing UI.

    • Added new columnFilterDisplayMode option to allow for different filter UIs.

    • Added new createDisplayMode table option to allow for different create/editing UIs. Added new functionality for creating new rows in the table.

    • Renamed editMode prop to editDisplayMode table option.

    • Added new paginationDisplayMode option to allow for different pagination UIs.

    • Added new rowPinningDisplayMode table option and row pinning features.

    • Added new "autocomplete" filterVariant.

    • Added new "date" filterVariant.

    • Added new "date-range" filterVariant.

    • Added new loading overlay UI features when isLoading or showLoadingOverlay are true Progress bars no longer show when isLoading is true.

    • Changed the default sort icon and show it as visible with a low opacity by default in table header cells.

    • Changed the filter label icon to show before the sort icon in table header cells.

    • Changed the default global filter search box UI to be compact and outlined.

    • Changed edit text field UI to be more compact by default.

    • Changed the default rowNumberDisplayMode to "static".

    • Changed how the full screen table UI works internally. (No more mui full screen dialog, just simple CSS)

    • Upgraded to TanStack Table v8.10.7

    • Upgraded to TanStack Virtual v3.0.0-beta.68

    • Renamed options

      • editingMode -> editDisplayMode

      • rowNumberMode -> rowNumberDisplayMode

      • enablePinning -> enableColumnPinning and enableRowPinning

      • virtualizerInstanceRef split into columnVirtualizerRef and rowVirtualizerRef

      • virtualizerProps split into columnVirtualizerOptions and rowVirtualizerOptions

      • columnVirtualizerProps -> columnVirtualizerOptions

      • rowVirtualizerProps -> rowVirtualizerOptions

      • muiTablePaginationProps -> muiPaginationProps

      • muiTableBodyCellCopyButtonProps -> muiCopyButtonProps

      • muiTableBodyCellEditTextFieldProps -> muiEditTextFieldProps

      • muiTableBodyCellSkeletonProps -> muiSkeletonProps

      • muiTableBodyRowDragHandleProps -> muiRowDragHandleProps

      • muiTableDetailPanelProps -> muiDetailPanelProps

      • muiTableHeadCellColumnActionsButtonProps -> muiColumnActionsButtonProps

      • muiTableHeadCellDragHandleProps -> muiColumnDragHandleProps

      • muiTableHeadCellFilterCheckboxProps -> muiFilterCheckboxProps

      • muiTableHeadCellFilterTextFieldProps -> muiFilterTextFieldProps

      • muiTableHeadCellFilterSliderProps -> muiFilterSliderProps

      • MRT_FilterFnsState -> MRT_ColumnFilterFns

      • MaterialReactTableProps -> MRT_TableOptions

      • MRT_FullScreenToggleButton => MRT_ToggleFullScreenButton

    Is anything missing from this v2 changelog? Make a PR or join the Discord to discuss.

    Old MRT Version 1 Changelog

    See the old V1 Changelog

    Curious about future releases? Check out the Roadmap